Two Ways to Improve the Grade of Lead-zinc Mine

Two Ways to Improve the Grade of Lead-zinc Mine

Lead-zinc mines are minerals rich in metallic lead and zinc. Lead and zinc are widely used in the electrical, mechanical, military, metallurgical, chemical, light and pharmaceutical industries. As a mineral resource, the grade of lead-zinc ore is generally not high, and it is necessary to increase the grade of lead-zinc mine before it can be used in industrial production.

The process of improving the grade of lead-zinc ore is the beneficiation process. The beneficiation method of lead-zinc ore is to remove the gangue associated with lead-zinc ore by beneficiation, thereby improving the quality of lead and zinc, and to improve the grade of lead-zinc ore. The method is mainly flotation, followed by re-election.

Flotation is the main method to improve the lead-zinc ore and the separation of lead and zinc. It is based on the difference in floatability between minerals. In general, the flotation method is suitable for fine-grained lead-zinc ore beneficiation. The ore dressing index is higher, the original ore is broken, graded after grinding, and the flotation process is selected to meet the particle size requirements. The ore dressing and purification are completed. The beneficiation process is mature and the beneficiation index is stable. However, the beneficiation equipment has large investment, high production cost and certain pollution to the environment. .

The re-election method is another method to increase the grade of lead-zinc ore. The gravity-separation method is based on the difference in density between minerals. The density of coarse-grained lead-zinc ore is relatively large, and there is a clear boundary between gangue and gangue. Gravity beneficiation method can be used for initial enrichment. In the beneficiation process, the low-grade lead-zinc ore can be pre-selected and enriched in the beneficiation process. The efficiency of the beneficiation and the selection of the floatation grade can be improved, and the beneficiation cost can be reduced. The re-election method cannot Separation of lead and zinc, but can be used to improve the quality of lead-zinc ore, the effect is significant, the cost of processing is low, suitable for use in conjunction with flotation to complete the separation and purification of lead and zinc ore and lead and zinc separation.

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