1. PI
The pulse induction is very effective in detecting deep
Ability to handle highly mineralised ground, undisturbed
searching in mineralized soils and salt water.
A pulse detector is best for salt water beaches and diving.
Good sensitivity to gold.
2. PI
Regardless of their
sensitivity they have two or three essential disadvantages. Their battery
utilization is substantial because of the force required by the beat
transmitter, and they are very sensitive to even modest ferrous items. Their
utilization is therefore basically confined to shoreline seeking, where items
are liable to be covered at extensive profundities, and where huge openings can
be effectively and quickly burrowed. On inland locales, their users can get to
be debilitated by the continuous diving of extensive openings in hard ground to
recuperate corroded nails!
3. PI
KTY underground metal detector in our company is PI metal