Classification status and characteristics of compound fertilizer

Agricultural modernization puts higher requirements on chemical fertilizers, and its development trend is high concentration, compounding and specialization. At present, all countries in the world are vigorously developing compound fertilizers, and the proportion of compound fertilizers in the production and consumption of fertilizers is increasing. Some developed countries can even reach 70% to 80%, while China's compound fertilizer development started late, currently only about 20%, so the development of compound fertilizer is an urgent need for China to accelerate agricultural modernization. The so-called compound fertilizer refers to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. At least two kinds of nutrients are chemical fertilizers and/or blending methods. The product containing two kinds of nutrients is called ternary compound fertilizer, and the fertilizer containing three kinds of nutrients is called ternary compound fertilizer. In recent years, some trace element fertilizers have been added to common compound fertilizers, which are called multi-component fertilizers. In addition, some fertilizer products add pesticides or auxins to traditional compound fertilizers, which are called multifunctional compound fertilizers. In China, compound fertilizer is a general term for compound fertilizers and composts. Commonly used types can be called compound fertilizers, mixed compound fertilizers, blended fertilizers, and organic-inorganic compound fertilizers. This article describes in detail the definition, advantages and disadvantages of these types of compound fertilizers and the problems that should be paid attention to during production and application.

Compound fertilizer

Chemical compound fertilizer refers to compound fertilizer produced by chemical (chemical) action or ammoniation granulation process, which is synthesized by obvious chemical reaction. The common types mainly include diammonium phosphate, monoammonium phosphate, nitrophosphate fertilizer and potassium nitrate. And potassium dihydrogen phosphate and the like. This type of compound fertilizer contains elements required by two or more crops, has high nutrient content, can supply nutrients needed for crops in a balanced and long-term manner, and enhances the effect of fertilization and yield increase. Secondly, such compound fertilizers are mostly granular, generally have low moisture absorption, no agglomeration, good physical properties, can improve the bad properties of some simple fertilizers, and are also convenient for storage, especially for mechanized fertilization. Finally, this type of fertilizer can be used as both a seed fertilizer and a base fertilizer and top dressing.

However, there are some disadvantages in the formation of compound fertilizer. For example, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients is relatively fixed and cannot be applied to the nutrient requirements of various soils and various crops. Therefore, in the process of compound fertilizer application, it is generally necessary to cooperate with the application of elemental fertilizers to meet the demand for nutrient types and quantities of various crops at different growth stages, and to achieve the balanced demand for high yield and nutrient. In addition, chemical compound fertilizer is synthesized by chemical action of different elemental and compound fertilizers, so that it is difficult to meet the requirements of different nutrient fertilization techniques in the fertilizer application process, and the best application effect of various nutrients contained in the fertilizer cannot be obtained.
China Fertilizer Information Network
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