Air-cooled heat transfer pump cavitation causes

Air-cooled heat transfer oil pump causes cavitation: If the air-cooled heat transfer oil pump in the work of the noise and vibration, and with the flow, lift and efficiency reduction, and sometimes can not even work when the pump maintenance, often It can be found that the entry side of the blade is damaged by pitting or honeycomb near the front cover and the blade inlet edge. In actual operation, many centrifugal pumps are damaged by cavitation. Air-cooled heat transfer pump cavitation or cavitation process is the flow of liquid bubbles and subsequent rupture of the process. As the absolute velocity of the fluid increases, due to the drop in the hydrostatic pressure, for certain particles of the fluid at a given temperature, there is no heat input from the outside but they have reached the vapor pressure, causing the particles to vaporize and generate bubbles . Along the runner, if the fluid's hydrostatic pressure rises again, more than the vapor pressure, the bubble will quickly rupture, resulting in a huge intrusive explosive condensation shock. If the rupture of the bubble does not occur at the time of flowing liquid, but at the wall of the flow guiding component, the cavitation causes the wall material to be eroded. When the air-cooled heat transfer oil pump is operated in a cavitation condition, the noise of the centrifugal pump is increased, the vibration is increased, the efficiency is decreased, and the head is lowered, even if no erosion of the wall material occurs. Air-cooled heat pump NPSHr (NPSHr) and the pump flow is related to the air-cooled heat transfer oil pump itself is determined by the pressure pump inlet part of the pressure drop, that is, to ensure that the pump does not cavitation, requiring the pump The weight per unit of liquid at the inlet exceeds the excess energy of the vapor pressure head. Abroad called this necessary net positive suction head. The physical meaning of the pump nibbling allowance represents the degree to which the pressure of the liquid drops at the inlet of the pump. The so-called net positive suction head is required to require suction device must provide such a large net positive suction head, in order to compensate for the pressure drop to ensure that the pump does not cavitation.

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