Particleboard types and properties

The particleboard is classified into three types according to the product: low density (0.25-0.45 g/cm3), medium density (0.55-0.70 g/cm3), and high density (0.75-1.3 g/cm3), but usually 0.65~ Particleboard of 0.75 g/cm 3 density. According to the slab structure, it is divided into three layers, three layers (including multiple layers) and three kinds of structures. According to the water resistance, it is divided into indoor water resistant and outdoor water resistant. According to the arrangement of shavings in the slab, there are two types of orientation type and random type. In addition, there are various particle boards made of non-wood materials such as cotton stalks, hemp stalks, bagasse, rice husks, etc., as well as cement wood boards, cement particle boards, etc. made of inorganic adhesive materials.

Particleboard has many specifications, ranging in thickness from 1.6 mm to 75 mm, with a thickness of 19 mm. When assessing the quality of particleboard, the physical properties often considered are density, water content, water absorption, thickness expansion ratio, etc. The mechanical properties include static bending strength, vertical plate surface tensile strength (internal cementation strength), and nail holding force elasticity. Modulus, rigid modulus, etc., processability, machinability, paint finish, etc. Special purpose particleboards are also considered for electrical, acoustic, thermal and anti-corrosion, fire and flame retardant properties for different purposes.

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