It is especially important to plant a good spring shed pepper fertilization.

With the arrival of summer, in order to avoid the effect of high shed temperature on the flowering of pepper, the treatment should strengthen the ventilation and control, but also pay attention to the use of the shade net.

The roots of peppers are weak. When using base fertilizers, the use of chemical fertilizers should be controlled, and organic fertilizers and biological fertilizers should be added. Organic fertilizer can improve the soil, enhance the permeability of the soil, provide a favorable environment for the growth of pepper roots, increase the application of biological fertilizer + new high-fat membrane to inhibit the infection of soil-borne bacteria, prevent the death of pepper, and at the same time biological fertilizer and new high-fat The membrane can also promote rooting and coordinate plant growth.

After the pepper enters the result period, the fertilizer should pay attention to the selection of high-potassium fertilizer, and spray the pepper on the pepper to make the handle of the pepper thicker, the water and nutrient delivery smooth, improve the nutrient flow, promote the development and expansion of the pepper, and not stimulate. The cells were non-toxic and had no adverse reactions after use, successfully replacing the pesticide bulking agents and hormones.
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