Rice planthoppers and rice leaf roller mites migrated into the city with the typhoon storm. It is expected that the fifth (4) generation rice planthoppers will occur in medium and medium-sized areas, and occur in the middle and late rice, and the fifth (4) generation rice vertical. The leaf-rolling mites occur in medium-medium rice and occur lightly in late rice. At present, most of the mid-season rice is in the late stage of booting to the heading stage, which is the key period for the prevention of sheath blight and rice smut. According to the survey, thin strips have occurred in Yutian and other places. Therefore, all localities should strengthen field investigations and prevent them in time. Mid-season rice is mainly used to control rice planthopper, rice leaf roller and sheath blight, and it is necessary to treat thin strip disease and cure rice false disease. Late rice is mainly used to control rice planthoppers, and the rice leaf roller is selected. Proper control period: August 13-16. Rice planthopper: 25% of pymetrozine 25g or 20% of nitenpyram wettable powder 20g or 25% thiazide. Isoprocarb WP of 150g. (Control indicators: 1000 worms in the tillering period of 1000 heads, booting - 1500 heads in the heading stage). Rice leaf roller: use 20% chlorantraniliprole suspending agent 10 ml or 40.7% chlorpyrifos 100 ml or 1.8% avermectin EC 75 ml or 20% triazophos 200 ml, spray 60 kg with water. (Control indicators: 60 larvae tillering stage 60, booting - heading stage 40 heads.) Sheath blight: 30% diphenyl ether carbenazole. Propiconazole EC 15-20 ml or 43% tebuconazole suspension 15 ml or 75% of the agent to take 15 grams of the enemy, and cure rice false disease. Thin strip disease: 20% thiazobacter copper suspending agent 100-120 g or 50% chlorobromoisocyanuric acid soluble powder 60 g or 33.5% quinoline copper suspension 40 g water 60 kg spray, 7-10 days apart Control once, even 2-3 times. More pesticide knowledge , please pay attention to China Pesticide Network (Source: China Agricultural Promotion Network) Wardrobe Cabinet Handle,Indoor Door Handle,Simple Retro Wardrobe Handle,Recessed Door Handle Zhaoqing Muyi Hardware Products Co., Ltd , https://www.muyihardware.com