The arrival of August, especially in the middle and late August, is the prevalence of vegetable pests. It is also the seedling transplanting period of autumn sowing cauliflower, cabbage and Chinese cabbage. Summer vegetables, loofah, edamame, and shallot grow vigorously. period. The weather is hot and changing, and the pests in the field are complicated and serious. In August, the pests and diseases of Spodoptera litura, beet armyworm, bean wild cockroach, greenhouse vegetable beech, and other diseases were in the outbreak period. In order to ensure the safe growth of vegetables and reduce the practicality of chemical pesticides , various green prevention and control measures can be used for prevention and control. Spodoptera litura Spodoptera litura occurs in all parts of the country and is a gluttonous pest, mainly occurring in the Yangtze River Basin in Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Anhui; the Yellow River Basin in Henan, Hebei, Shandong and other provinces. The hazard host is quite extensive. In addition to cruciferous vegetables, it can also harm nearly 100 families and more than 300 plants including melon, eggplant, beans, onions, leeks, spinach, and food and cash crops. The larvae bite the leaves, flower buds, flowers and fruits. The first-instar larvae bite the epidermis and mesophyll of the leaves, leaving only the epidermis as a transparent plaque; after 4 years of age, they enter the gluttony, biting the leaves, leaving only the main vein. On the cabbage broccoli, the larva can also penetrate into the leaf ball to harm the inside, empty the inside, and excrete the feces, causing pollution, reducing it and even losing the value of the commodity. Agricultural control: 1. The habit of feeding on the larvae of young larvae, when the larvae are clustered, the worms are removed and the larvae are manually killed. 2. Look for the wintering smashing around the vegetable growing area. 3, trap larvae, sputum phlegm and sputum smashed sputum. Physical control: Adults have strong phototaxis, and insecticidal lamps are installed around the planting area to trap adults. Beet armyworm The beet armyworm is commonly known as the cabbage brown night moth, which is an omnivorous pest that is mainly harmful to vegetables. For green onions, kale, Chinese cabbage, celery, cauliflower, carrot, asparagus, leeks, leeks, peppers, kidney beans, broccoli, eggplant, kale, tomato, cabbage, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, radish and other vegetables harm. In severe cases, you can eat light mesophyll, leave only veins, and even peel the stem cortex. The larvae can migrate in groups, slightly disturbed by the earthquake, and have a suspended animation. After 3 years of age, they sneak into the lower part of the plant or the soil in the daytime, and remove the food in the evening. There are 6 to 8 generations in a year, and there are many occurrences in July and August. There are more high-temperature and dry years, often mixed with Spodoptera litura, which poses a great threat to leafy vegetables. Agricultural control: 1. Autumn tillage or winter tillage, deep turning the soil, can eliminate some wintering cockroaches; 2. Remove weeds from March to April in the spring to eliminate the first-instar larvae on weeds; 3. Manually picking eggs, removing the leaves of the newly hatched larvae and concentrating them. Biological control: Protecting the use of natural enemies, beet armyworm, natural enemies, such as spiders, frogs, and hawk moths, are important natural natural enemies to control the damage of beet armyworm. Physical control: Beet armyworm adult worms have the characteristics of strong phototaxis, and use insecticidal lamps in vegetable growing areas for pollution-free physical trapping. Bemisia tabaci Bemisia tabaci is a new sucking pest in China in recent years. It is mainly harmful in greenhouses and surrounding vegetable fields. It spreads quickly and has a strong outbreak. It is mainly harmful to leafy vegetables (radish, green vegetables, Chinese cabbage, broccoli). Fruits and vegetables such as melons (cucumber, watermelon), solanaceous fruits (chili, eggplant). Bemisia tabaci directly sucks plant juice, causing the plant to weaken. Nymphs and adults can also secrete honeydew, which induces the production of coal fouling. When the density is high, the leaves appear black, which seriously affects photosynthesis. In addition, B. tabaci can spread more than 70 viral diseases on 30 crops, and different biotypes transmit different viruses. Agricultural control: 1. Cultivation control includes removing all kinds of plants and their residues around the facility and reducing the source of insects. 2, as far as possible around the facility to plant tobacco, celery, rape, leeks, etc.; pay attention to the cultivation of insect-free seedlings. Physical control: Using the colorimetric properties of Bemisia tabaci for yellow, a yellow wormwood plate is placed in the facility, which is equal to the crop or in the upper part of the vegetable canopy. 15 to 30 pieces are placed per acre. Bean wild donkey Bean wild crickets use larvae to drill buds, flowers, and pods, causing buds, falling flowers, and insect buds. The buds of the cowpeas and the flowering period are the damage period of the stalks. At present, a small amount of late summer sowing summer peas begins to flower and pod, and the bean wild carp is more harmful. Adults have strong phototaxis and often hide in shade during the day. In addition, the mature larvae often use sputum in the back of the shade, soil surface, etc. Agricultural control: 1. Do a good job in predicting the situation of the insects and master the appropriate period of prevention and control. 2. Rotating with non-legume crops. 3, timely clear the field of falling flowers and pods, and remove the damaged leaf and pods to reduce the source of insects. 4. Cover the insect net. Covering the insect-proof net can effectively cut off the spread of the insect source, and has certain control effect on the bean wild donkey. Physical control: Using the phototaxis of adult peas, the insecticidal lamps were installed in the planting area to kill and kill in the prosperous period, reducing the number and usage of chemical pesticides, and effectively protecting the ecological environment around the planting area. More pesticide knowledge , please pay attention to China Pesticide Network (Source: 191 agricultural capital)
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