The United States has three procedures for the preparation of codes and standards involving the design of fire protection, property protection and building codes and standards. 1 . The first programming norms and standards process is co-ordinated National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) used, NFPA is a non-profit civil society organizations. All NFPA specifications and standards are developed using an open coordination mechanism that allows the active participation of all relevant interest groups. This mechanism guarantees that the established regulations are at the forefront of science and technology and meet the security needs of the market and society. About 6,000 expert volunteers participate in the normative technical committees on behalf of their own organization's rights and are responsible for the formulation of standards. They come from: design and material manufacturers , industry and trade associations and groups , owners of large industrial groups , normative executors/authorities with jurisdiction , insurance companies , product testing laboratories , scientific research institutions , architects of construction consulting companies, and Suggestions for the development of new specifications for engineers , federal government groups ( eg, Navy, Air Force, GSA , Department of Energy, etc. ) can be initiated by anyone, whether or not he is affiliated with the NFPA . The source of the technical documentation required for the development of the specification and the source of the required costs is irrelevant to the NFPA 's coordination process. The technical committees are responsible for proposing proposals, soliciting opinions and correcting proposals based on opinions. Proposals must be voted on by NFPA members and then voted on by the standard reviewers. The establishment of the new specification will generally take 2 to 5 years, that is, after the collection of all relevant technical data has been completed. Due to the update of technology and knowledge, existing specifications are generally revised every 2 to 3 years. NFPA has been a 300 cloth specifications (standards). The FM Global and Factory Reciprocity Research Corporation has participated in the formulation of about 120 specifications, mainly involving property damage prevention. 2 . The second normative process involves the implementation of the building code. In the past, there were three structures in the United States that consisted of building officials to formulate the following three major building codes: • The Building Officials and the Specification Management Committee (BOcA) formulated the BOCA national regulations applicable to the Northeastern US Regional Construction Officials Conference (ICBO) ) - Formulation of a unified building code for the Western Conference of the United States and the Southern International Building Regulations Conference (SBCCI) - Formulation of a standard building code, applicable to the target southern region The above three building codes form cooperation to form an International Architecture Council (ICC) , this spring the three building codes and formation of the corresponding (IBC) and the international fire Code (IFC). In this organization, construction officials do not use the same coordinated process as the NFPA . Although anyone can propose changes and comments on the standard, but can only efficient building codes can only vote by the implementing agencies of the specification. 3. The third specification and the preparation process are implemented by insurance companies such as FM Global. In the past 165 years, in order to mitigate the loss of property insured households suffered fires and natural disasters around the world, FM Global has prepared its own specification from the data sheet entitled to prevent property damage. The manual is based on the experiences of fire derogation fire research facility owned mutual research company (FMRC) and test results and FM Global for many years on, fire concept of the integration of concepts and technical data for the industrial sector, standardize the implementation agencies and other insurers Respected and highly evaluated. FM employs about a hundred full-time engineers globally, and they are disaster prevention and fire protection experts. FM Global has compiled hundreds of data manuals to prevent property damage. Approximately 40 NFPA FM specification is included in the data sheet. At the same time, FM Global engineers involved in the preparation of specifications NFPA 120 and NFPA coordinated voluntary participation of nearly 70 technical specifications prepared by the Commission under the mechanism. The 50 items in the FM data book are about preventing man-made damage and natural disasters in buildings. They cover most of the three United States building codes regarding the prevention of property damage and require higher levels in certain projects. Other U.S. insurance groups have adopted NFPA specifications while partially adopting FM 's data sheets, but the interpretation of the specifications is based on their own principles. 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Three U.S. Fire Protection Design and Building Regulations (Standards) Revision System
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