MAX705 Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit

MAX705/ MAX706/ MAX707/MAX708 Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits
When a power-on, power-down or power supply is unstable, a low-level reset signal output is generated, the reset pulse width is 200ms , and when VCC=1V , the /RESET is guaranteed to be valid; when the Watchdog input fails to trigger within 1.6s , it will be low. Level-effective Watchdog output signal; 1.25V threshold monitor for power-down warning, low battery detection and monitoring of power supplies other than +5V ; debounced TTL/CMOS compatible low level manual reset input; MAX707/708 except an active high reset signal Watchdog timer instead, other functions the same as MAX705 / 706; two power voltage monitoring levels, MAX705 / approaching 707 when the supply voltage is lower than 4.65V, a reset pulse is generated, the MAX706 /708 Generates a reset pulse when the power supply is below 4.40V ; 200μA quiescent current; VCC=+5V .

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Extension Sockets

We supply various Extension Sockets, including 3 Way Electrical Extension Socket, 4 Way Extension Socket, 5 Way Extension Socket etc.

The below information will help you to know more about Extension Sockets.

Do extension plugs use more electricity?

The answer to this question is no. An extension cord of this kind does not consume electricity when plugged in. The reason is that this kind of tool merely conducts electricity from the wall or other source to whatever is plugged into it. By itself, it does not and cannot consume units of power.

What are the advantages of extension socket with switch?

A extension socket refers to a multi socket with a power cord and plug that can be moved. More than one power plug can be connected, which saves space and circuit.

At the same time, it can start power supply for many power sources, and many socket designs make this kind of products have multi-functional characteristics. There are also some outlet switches on the market which support the opening and closing control between different power sources.

The advantages of extension socket with switch is when you don't need the socket, you can turn off the power supply by pressing the switch. No need to unplug the plug, reduce the loss and make life easier.

If you want to know more about the products in Extension Sockets, please click the product details to view parameters, models, pictures, prices and other information about Extension Sockets, Switched Extension Lead, Extension Plug Socket, Flexible Socket Extension.

Whatever you are a group or individual, we will do our best to provide you with accurate and comprehensive message about Extension Sockets!

Extension Sockets

Extension Sockets ,Switched Extension Lead,Extension Plug Socket,Flexible Socket Extension