(College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China) To improve structural fatigue strength, new installation methods need to be studied. The strengthening mechanism of titanium alloy interference fit and the characteristics of stress wave method for installing interference fit fasteners are introduced. Fatigue the test piece. The thickness of the test piece is determined by the length code of the bolt, and the corresponding relationship is shown in Table 1. Table 1 Corresponding relationship between the sample thickness and the bolt length The bolt length code sample thickness / mm is completed. microstructure. The middle white area is a sandwich panel and the black area is a fastener. When the fastener is installed in the conventional method, the material structure of the joint surface of the fastener and the connecting plate is severely deformed, the two materials are inlaid with each other, and the connecting plate has a downward displacement; in the stress wave mounting fastener The material on the bonding surface of the fastener and the connecting plate is not inlaid with each other, and the grain of the material is refined, which is beneficial to improve the fatigue life of the joint. In addition, the stress-wave mounting method produces a residual compressive stress region in the hole wall that is significantly larger than the residual compressive stress region generated by the conventional mounting method, which is beneficial to improve the joint fatigue life. See the typical form of fatigue damage. The fatigue test results are shown in the assembled fatigue test piece. 2. Fatigue test The fatigue load is 25%~40% of the static strength of the test piece. The high load transfer joint is used, the stress ratio is 0.1, and the sine wave is loaded at a constant amplitude. The maximum frequency is The temperature of the sample does not exceed 65 C. The test machine is a PLG-50 microcomputer controlled high frequency fatigue tester. For high-load transfer specimens, the working section is subjected to a combination of tension and bending during loading, so it is necessary to use a clamp to limit its bending deformation. The test piece after the completion of the clamping. 2.3 Material Microstructure Comparison When the interference fit fastener is forced through the fastener hole, the material of the hole wall is squeezed, the microstructure of the material changes, and a residual compressive stress layer is formed within a certain range, thereby achieving the purpose of strengthening. Since the ordinary installation method and the stress wave installation method are installed with a large difference in the loading rate, the residual compressive stress layer formed is not the same. And the use of the two methods to install the fasteners and the material of the hole wall, the stress wave installation method significantly improves the fatigue strength of the joint. This aspect is due to the stress wave installation method which reduces the damage during the installation process, and on the other hand, the stress wave has a "stretching" effect on the fastener, so that this method can install a larger interference amount of the fastener. The interference amount is close to or reaches the optimal interference amount of the material, thereby improving the fatigue life of the structure. (Continued on page 145) or a smaller initial water volume, which results in a larger exit speed and a smaller water cannon launch time. 3) From the point of view of water gun design, if you want to get an earlier atomizing jet, the barrel should be shorter, so that the outlet jet atomization cone angle will be larger, the gas-liquid action surface will increase, and the jet atomization effect will be enhanced. In order to obtain a longer range, it is necessary to increase the length of the launch tube, so that a smaller atomization cone angle and a higher velocity gas-liquid jet can be obtained. The 1.5-fold gas chamber diameter is an ideal gas chamber diameter. When the diameter is increased, the jet velocity is no longer increased, and the jet velocity is reduced. The conclusions obtained in this paper have contributed to the improved design of pulsed riot cannons and the atomization study of gas-liquid jets. Wang sent and so on. 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