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Chen Deming: China considers implementing rare earth control based on environmental protection and other considerations
According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, Chen Deming, the Minister of Commerce accompanying President Hu Jintao’s visit to the United States , said in a joint media interview in Washington on the afternoon of January 19 that China’s restrictions on rare earth mining, production and export were based on the environment. Protection and conservation considerations using the limited resources of humanity. Despite the enormous environmental pressures, China is still trying to maintain a considerable amount of rare earth exports. Chen Deming said that he has repeatedly expressed his position on the rare earth issue on different occasions. China's restrictions on rare earth mining, production and export are due to environmental protection and the use of human resources. This approach is in line with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. Chen Deming said that in 2010, China's rare earth production was reduced from 129,000 tons in 2009 to 89,000 tons, a drop of 31%, which is equivalent to the decline in export quotas. In order to fulfill its international obligations and to protect international demand, China has been striving to maintain a considerable amount of rare earth exports for many years despite the enormous environmental pressures it has faced. Chen Deming expressed regret that a large number of companies and the media have speculated on China's rare earth exports. He said that according to the US National Geological Survey, China's share of rare earth reserves has fallen from 43% in 1996 to 31% in 2009. Compared with some countries that also have abundant rare earth resources but do not exploit, China now provides more than 90% of the world's rare earth supply with 31% of reserves, making a great contribution to the supply and stability of the world rare earth market. Chen Deming also asked, "Which countries with abundant rare earth reserves but not mining have any reason to blame China's export control of rare earths?" Chen Deming said that he hopes to strengthen international cooperation in the mining, processing and use of rare earths. First, we will cooperate with countries in environmental protection technology in rare earth mining and processing, and welcome to provide relevant technical support to China to improve the utilization efficiency of rare earth resources. Second, from the perspective of maintaining world market stability, Other countries with rare earth resources should allow domestic development. To share the responsibility of global rare earth supply; the third is to strengthen the recycling and recycling of rare earths and carry out international cooperation in the research and development of alternative resources for rare earths. Chen Deming finally pointed out that "the rare earth resources are very scarce and non-renewable. No matter which country is stored, it is a common resource for human beings. We have the obligation to protect and use them together."