It is expected that the three cities of Nanping, Sanming and Ningde will turn cloudy and cloudy, and the rest of the cities will turn cloudy to cloudy; on the 15th, the province will be cloudy; from 16 to 19, there will be a more obvious precipitation weather in Fujian Province. In the morning of 13-15, the temperature is low. The extreme minimum temperature can reach -2 to 0 °C in the northern region, -3 °C in the high altitude mountainous area, 2 to 4 °C in the central and southern inland areas, and 5 to 4 in the central and southern coastal areas. ~ 7 ° C. There are frosts and frosts in the north central region and icing in the high altitude mountains in the north. Agricultural production advice: 1. It is necessary to do cold and anti-freeze work. For flue-cured tobacco, potatoes, vegetables and other crops that are already in the field, they should be cold-proof and anti-free by measures such as mulching and straw covering. For bananas, alfalfa and other fruit trees, they should pass high-cultivation, cover and fertilize. , bagging and fruit protection methods for cold and antifreeze. 2, do a good job in spring ploughing, all localities should actively prepare seeds, agricultural film, fertilizer and other spring farming materials. 3, vegetable anchors, warm-type vegetable varieties, such as green beans, Chinese cabbage, alfalfa, etc., seedlings should be covered with film to promote the normal growth of vegetable seedlings. Potato spring planting and thermophilic vegetable sowing in the western part of the western region should be carried out after the temperature rises after 16 days. 4. The local varieties of flue-cured tobacco are in the slow seedling stage or the root-stretching period. Pay attention to the film mulching in the low temperature process in the first half of the year, and carry out thin watering fertilizer and shallow cultivating to promote root growth and development; the externally introduced varieties are in the seedling stage, which can be in the second half. After the temperature rises in the past, the work of rushing and transplanting is carried out. 5, do a good job of thinning fruit and strong fruit to promote shoot fertilizer, promote the expansion of young fruit; longan can be used for the pruning and shaping of young trees; litchi in the inflorescence differentiation stage or flowering stage, should be done to control the ear and disease Insect control work; citrus sprouts begin to sprout, can be applied before the bud, promote spring shoot growth. 6. Pay attention to the cold and anti-freeze of seedlings, and vigorously carry out afforestation work after the temperature rises after 16 days. glazed tile roll forming machine Roll Forming Machine,Steel Forming Machine,Forming Machine Mactec Machinery Co., Ltd. ,
Fujian should do a good job in preventing cold and freezing and preparing for spring ploughing
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