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Rare earth resources overdraft, serious market balance, share responsibility
China's rare earth resources account for about 36% of the global total, but it has long been responsible for more than 90% of the world's rare earth supply. This unbalanced trade pattern is extremely unreasonable and must be changed! On March 13, China received a request for consultations on export management measures for rare earths, tungsten and molybdenum proposed by the United States, the European Union and Japan under the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. In fact, since China introduced the rare earth export quota system in 2008, developed countries have been quite vocal. The United States, Europe and Japan joined forces to coerce the Chinese government to lift restrictions on rare earth exports. However, this rare earth export trade lawsuit against China is clearly untenable. "From the perspective of accelerating the transformation of economic development mode, more scientific and rational development and utilization of rare earth resources and upgrading of industrial added value are important issues for the sustainable and healthy development of China's rare earth industry," said Zhang Weijun, an expert at the China National Land Resources Economic Research Institute. Restrictive policy Sword refers to environmental problems . The waste residue, waste water and waste gas in the development of rare earth elements have caused great damage to the environment. To fix this, you have to pay a high price. For a long time, the development of rare earth resources in China has been increasing, and it is currently in a state of severe overload, especially in terms of the environment. "The practice of predatory exploitation of rare earth resources, although it can rapidly increase production in the short term, has led to a rapid decline in resource reserves, and the ecological environment of the mining areas is seriously threatened," said Zhang Weizhen. At present, China's rare earth reserves are declining at an alarming rate. At the same time, in the process of mining and production of rare earth resources, the waste residue, waste water and waste gas in the development of rare earth elements have brought great damage to the environment. To fix this, you have to pay a high cost of governance. Experts estimate that in Weinan, if it is necessary to carry out ecological restoration of land damaged by mining rare earth minerals, the capital investment is expected to reach more than 38 billion yuan. Based on the consideration of protecting the environment and resources, in recent years, China has begun to implement a series of management measures for the rare earth industry. Since 2008, China has implemented a stricter export quota management system for rare earth exports. Extensive development of rare earth resources for overdraft rare earth resources is an important strategic resource related to national interests, and it is necessary to accelerate the control of rare earth resources from the source. Since the 1990s, due to the over-exploitation of rare earth resources in China, the price of rare earth resources in the international market has been at a low level for a long time. Liu Shuchen, a researcher at the Information Center of the Ministry of Land and Resources, said that in the past 10 years, the price of iron ore, coal and other resource products has risen sharply. The rare-earth export price has been falling. In 2009, the price of rare earth exported by China was only about 60% of the highest price level in the 1990s. “Rare resources almost sell cabbage prices. The root cause lies in the extensive development of the domestic rare earth industry. The scale expansion of the industry is based on the excessive consumption of resources and environment. The developed countries have even closed their rare earth mines and imported rare earth directly from China.†Liu Shuchen Say. This "small horse-drawn cart" model has made China's rare earth industry on the verge of "overdraft." From 2001 to 2009, the number of rare earths exported by Chinese companies to the world was stable at an annual average of 60,000 tons. However, between 2002 and 2007, the relative scarcity index of rare earth resources in China dropped rapidly from 1.158 to 0.486, and the scarcity increased year by year. Xu Guangxian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, pointed out that the reserves of medium and heavy rare earths in the five southern provinces were 1.5 million tons, but currently there are only 600,000 tons left. "If the mining speed is now, it will be mined in 10 years." According to incomplete statistics, there are currently 70 enterprises engaged in rare earth mining in China, and more than 100 enterprises engaged in rare earth smelting and separation. Due to the extensive production mode and the disorderly production order, irresponsible miners are rampant in the indiscriminate mining of rare earth resources. "If we do not accelerate the transformation of production methods, China's rare earth resource security will face enormous challenges." Liu Shuchen said that rare earth resources are important strategic resources related to national interests, and must accelerate the control of rare earth resources from the source, through scientific planning and resource integration optimization. Industry development pattern. Responsibility Sharing Promotes Market Balance If another 70% of the world's rare earth reserves are activated, it will be able to make up for the gap in production decline caused by China's industry consolidation. According to the feedback from foreign rare earth resource exploration, the rare earth reserves of the United States, Russia and Australia account for 13%, 19% and 5.4% of the world respectively. However, subject to environmental pressure, the three countries' 2009 rare earth production was zero. Zhang Weiqi said that if the world's other 70% of rare earth reserves are activated, it can fully compensate for the production decline caused by the rectification of the Chinese industry, and the global supply of rare earths will remain stable. "The rare earth industry can no longer take the old road of predatory development, and can no longer flow to the domestic and foreign markets with cabbage prices." Zhang Weijun said that the goal of China's introduction of rare earth resource management and control policies is to protect the environment and promote sustainable development of the industry. Therefore, it is imperative to focus more on solving problems such as low resource utilization, severe waste, excessive development, and vicious competition by exporters. He suggested that China should speed up the establishment and improvement of the development coordination mechanism for the rare earth industry, implement overall planning, unified management, strict control, and limited development of the national rare earth resources, and realize the “combination boxing†of real-life management of rare earth resources; Raise the protection of rare earth resources to the height of the law. In addition, by levying high resource taxes on rare earth development enterprises, compensation for environmental pollution control recovery caused by resource development will ensure sustainable economic and resource environment development. Liu Shuchen also believes that under the framework of protecting resources and promoting sustainable development, China should speed up the implementation of the reserve policy for superior minerals, and through the development of high value-added products, fundamentally improve resource utilization and use value, and change China's long-term exports. The current status of rare earth primary products.