Using formula to convert fertilization amount

Whether applying spring fertilizer to spring-cropped crops or topdressing winter crops such as fruit trees, wheat, and rapeseed, it is necessary to have a reasonable amount of fertilizer. However, there are various fertilizers on the market, and the amount of fertilizer recommended in various fertilizer manuals is mostly indicated by nutrients. How can we convert it into a specific fertilizer in the hands of farmers?

Just remember a conversion formula: fertilizer application = nutrient application, fertilizer nutrient content, where fertilizer nutrient content has been indicated on the fertilizer bag. Assume that the recommended amount of fertilizer for a plot is 8.5 kg of pure nitrogen per mu, 4.8 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 6.5 kg of potassium oxide. The amount of urea applied per unit (typically 46% nitrogen) is 8.5÷46%=18.5 (kg). The amount of potassium sulfate (the potassium oxide content is generally 50%) is 6.5 ÷ 50% = 13 (kg).

If a compound fertilizer is applied, the amount should be calculated first by the type of fertilizer recommended on the formula fertilization table, and then the other two fertilizers should be added. If the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of a certain compound (combined) fertilizer bag is 15:15:15, then the compound should be applied with this compound: 4.8÷15%=32 (kg). In this way, the phosphorus in the soil has already met the nutrients needed by the crop. Because the proportion of compound fertilizer is fixed, it is difficult to meet the needs of different soils for different nutrients in different crops. Therefore, it is necessary to add unit fertilizer to supplement it. The formula is: increase the amount of fertilization = (recommended fertilization amount - applied fertilizer amount) ÷ preparation The effective amount of fertilizer applied. The plot has been applied with 32 kg of compound fertilizer with 15% NPK, which is equivalent to 32×15%=4.8 (kg) of pure nitrogen applied to the soil, and 4.8 kg of phosphorus pentoxide and potassium oxide. . According to the recommended dosage of 8.5 kg of pure nitrogen and 6.5 kg of potassium oxide, it is necessary to add urea (8.5-4.8) ÷ 46% = 8 (kg), potassium sulphate (6.5-4.8) ÷ 50% = 3.4 ( kg).

Author: Fang Tong Source: rural Henan Daily Edition
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