The laser beam is focused to a small spot with a minimum diameter of less than 0.1 mm), so that a high power density at the focus can exceed 106 W/cm 2 ). At this time, the heat input by the beam (converted by light energy) far exceeds the portion of the material that is reflected, conducted or diffused, and the material is quickly heated to vaporized humidity to evaporate to form a hole. As the beam moves relatively linearly with the material, the holes are continuously formed into slits having a narrow width (e.g., about 0.1 mm). The heat effect of trimming is small and there is almost no deformation of the workpiece. An auxiliary gas suitable for the material to be cut is also added during the cutting process. When steel is cut, oxygen is used as an auxiliary gas to form an exothermic chemical reaction oxidizing material with the molten metal, and at the same time, it helps to blow away the slag in the slit. A type of plastic for cutting polypropylene uses compressed air, and flammable materials such as cotton and paper are cut to use an inert gas. The auxiliary gas entering the nozzle also cools the focusing lens, preventing smoke from entering the lens holder and contaminating the lens and causing the lens to overheat. Most organic and inorganic materials can be cut with a laser. In the metal processing industry, which has a heavy weight in industrial manufacturing, many metal materials, regardless of their hardness, can be shaped without deformation. (The thickness of the industrial steel can be cut with the most advanced laser cutting system. 20mm). Of course, for high reflectivity materials such as gold, silver, copper and aluminum alloys, they are also good heat transfer conductors, so laser cutting is difficult or even impossible to cut (some difficult materials can be cut using a pulsed laser beam, Due to the extremely high peak power of the pulse wave, the absorption coefficient of the material to the beam is instantaneously increased sharply). Laser cutting without burrs, wrinkles, high precision, better than plasma cutting. For many electromechanical manufacturing industries, modern laser cutting systems due to microcomputer programs can easily cut workpieces of different shapes and sizes (workpiece drawings can also be modified), which is often preferred over die cutting and molding processes; despite its processing speed Slower than die punching, but it does not have mold consumption, no need to repair the mold, and saves time to replace the mold, thereby saving processing costs and reducing product costs, so it is economically more cost-effective. On the other hand, laser cutting can also take advantage of its accuracy and reproducibility from the perspective of how to adapt the mold to the size and shape of the workpiece. As a priority manufacturing method of the laminated mold, since the high-level mold making worker is not required, the laser cutting operation cost is not expensive, and the mold manufacturing cost can be remarkably reduced. The additional benefit of laser cutting dies is that the die trim produces a shallow hardened layer (heat affected zone) that improves the wear resistance of the die during operation. The non-contact characteristics of laser cutting give the circular saw blade a stress-free advantage, which increases the service life. Laser cutting of commonly used engineering materials Laser cutting of metal materials Although almost all metal materials have high reflectivity to infrared energy at room temperature, lamp-pumped ND:YAG lasers and 10.6 μm CO 2 lasers emitting 1.064 um beam in the far infrared range are successfully applied to many metal lasers. Cutting practice 2. Laser cutting of non-metallic materials The 10.6μm CO 2 laser beam is easily absorbed by non-metallic materials. The poor thermal conductivity and low evaporation temperature make the absorbed light beam almost entirely inside the input material and instantaneously at the spot illumination. Vaporization, the formation of the initial hole, into the virtuous cycle of the cutting process. Steel Structure,Prefabricated Steel Structure Maldives,Steel Structure Warehouse Prefabricated House,Steel Structure Co., Ltd. ,