Sweet and juicy big peaches have always been loved by the Chinese people, but do you know a big problem that affects the normal growth of peach trees? If the pests and diseases are not properly controlled, it will bring devastating losses to the fruit farmers. What are the common pests and diseases in the growing process? How much do you know? Under the small series, the peach trees growers have sorted out 21 common diseases of peach trees. 1, scab disease In the southern region, the onset of the disease from May to June; The northern peach orchard generally begins to develop in June, with the highest incidence from July to August. In spring and early summer, the fruit is near maturity, rainy and humid, and easy to develop. Hazard characteristics: It mainly harms the fruit and also harms the branches. In the early stage of fruit onset: dark green round spots appear on the fruit surface and gradually enlarge; to fruit ripening stage: the lesion is dark purple or black, slightly concave, and then appears as a slightly convex black blemish. In severe cases, the lesions are dense and cracked as the fruit expands. After the new shoots are damaged, they are oblong, light brown lesions; later become dark brown, and further enlarged, the diseased part is uplifted, and the phenomenon of gelation often occurs. Prevention: (1) Winter shears completely cut off the diseased shoots. Clear the orchard, reduce the source of disease, planting density is reasonable, the tree shape is suitable, prevent the crown from being handed over, improve the ventilation and light conditions of the orchard, and reduce the humidity of the orchard. (2) Spraying pentachlorophenol sodium plus 3 to 5 waves of sulphur sulphur mixture before germination Half a month after the flower falls to July, at intervals of 10 to 15 days, the following agents are selected for prevention and treatment. Such as carbendazim, dexamethasone, chlorothalonil, neutrophin, thiophanate-methyl manganese, etc., the effect is good. 2, bacterial perforation Diseases generally begin in early May, and the plum rain period spreads fastest in June. In the season of frequent or foggy rain, the incidence is heavy. Hazard characteristics: It is mainly harmful to the leaves, but also to the fruits and branches. Disease spots: small spots of translucent water-stained spots appear on the leaves, gradually expanding into purple-brown to dark brown lesions, surrounded by water-stained yellow-green halos. When the weather is wet, white pus will overflow on the back of the lesion, and then the lesion will dry out and form a perforation. Fruit surface: A dark purple round central micro-depression lesion appears. When the air humidity is high, there is a yellow-white sticky substance on the lesion. When dry, the lesions are cracked. Prevention: (1) Improve disease resistance Planting resistant varieties of peach trees; After the spring, pay attention to ditch drainage and reduce the air humidity; Add organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer; It is necessary to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions to promote the growth of the tree body and improve the disease resistance. Do trimming and cleaning to reduce germs. (2) Spray 5 waves of sulphur sulphur mixture before germination, or use Bordeaux liquid to remove the source of overwintering bacteria. After the leaf is spread to the pre-onset, it is a critical period of prevention and treatment. The selected agents are: basic copper sulfate, copper oxychloride, copper succinate, copper acetate, and the like. 3, brown spot perforation It is cold and rainy, which is good for the disease. Hazard characteristics: Mainly harmful to the leaves. It can also harm new shoots and fruits. In the early stage of leaf infection: primary near-round lesions with purple edges and a slight ring pattern. Late stage: gray-brown mildew grows, the middle part is dry and shedding, forming perforations, the perforated edges are neat, and the leaves fall off when the perforation is long. Prevention: (1) Pay attention to the drainage of Taoyuan, increase the application of organic fertilizer, reasonably trim and enhance permeability. (2) After the flower falls, the agent is sprayed with mancozeb, thiophanate-methyl, chlorothalonil, difenoconazole, pyraclostrobin, and daisenlian. 4. Mold spot perforation When there is a lot of rain in a year, it is the peak period of the disease. Soil is deficient in fertilizer and easy to develop. Hazard characteristics: Mainly harmful to leaves and flowers and fruits. Leaf infection: The lesion is initially round, purple or purplish red, and then browned. After the diseased leaves have fallen off, the perforations remain on the leaves. Branch disease: It is accompanied by cracks and glue, and the older branches will form nodules. Prevention: (1) Strengthen management Enhance the tree's potential and increase the resistance of the tree. Improve soil, timely drainage, rational trimming and shaping, timely removal of diseased branches and leaves. (2) Drug prevention In the early spring, it can be sprayed with thiophanate-methyl, mancozeb, benomyl, iprodione, and zinc. 5, anthracnose In the north of China, the rainy season is from July to August, and the disease is frequent. Peach tree flowering stage and young fruit stage: low temperature and rain, is conducive to the onset. Fruit ripening period: heavy, foggy, high humidity environment Hazard characteristics: Mainly harmful to the fruit, the fruit surface is dark brown, wilting and hardening. After the fruit is swollen, the diseased fruit surface is initially pale brown water-stained lesions, and then enlarged to become reddish-brown. The lesion is sunken and has obvious concentric rib-like wrinkles. When the humidity is high, orange-red sticky small particles are produced. Finally, the diseased fruit soft rots off or forms a rigid fruit remaining on the branches. New spot disease: a long oval-shaped brown depression lesion, the diseased tip is laterally curved, and it is dead in severe cases. Prevention: (1) In areas with serious diseases, select resistant varieties according to local conditions; pay attention to drainage in Taoyuan, reduce humidity, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers; combine winter shears to completely remove the diseased shoots, dead branches, dead fruits and ground fruit. Centralized burning or deep burial. The orchard bagging time should be appropriate early, and it should be done before the beginning of May. (2) Spray the crystal stone sulphur mixture or 5 bume sulphur sulphur mixture plus 0.3% sodium pentachlorophenolate before the germination of early spring peach buds. After falling flowers, spray chlorothalonil, or mancozeb, or thiophanate-methyl, spray once every 10 days, continuous medication 2 to 3 times. 6, brown spot disease Low temperature, damp and rainy flowering can cause flower rot. Fruit ripening period, warm and rainy fog, easy to cause fruit rot. If there are many wounds on the surface, it will aggravate the occurrence of the disease. Hazard characteristics: Mainly harmful to the fruit. Initially: brown round lesions are produced on the fruit surface. If the environment is suitable, the lesions can spread to the whole fruit within a few days, and the flesh will also become brown and soft. Later: on the surface of the lesions, gray-brown velvet mold clusters were formed, which were often arranged in a concentric pattern. The diseased fruit rotted and easily fell off, but after many water loss, it became a stiff fruit, and the hanging branches did not fall for a long time. On the new tip: It forms ulcerated spots, oblong, slightly concave in the center, gray-brown, purple-brown on the edges, and often flows. Prevention: (1) Combine the pruning to completely eliminate the wintering bacteria source such as the dead fruit and the diseased branch, concentrate on burning, and deepen the garden, and bury the diseased body in the ground; timely control the pests such as peach aphid, weevil, heartworm, wax and so on. Bagging protects the fruit in mid-May. (2) Spray 1 time before flowering: benomyl. Or spray 5 waves of melamine sulphur or crystal sulphur mixture before germination; spray zinc or thiophanate for about 10 days after flowering. In the early stage of the disease and 3 weeks before the harvest, spray: Doomycin, or benomyl, or thiophanate-methyl, or iprodione. In severe cases, spray once every 15 days, stop spraying 3 weeks before harvesting. . 7. Invasive flow gum disease There are two peak incidences in a year. One is from early May to early June, and the second is from early August to early September. Hazard symptoms: Mainly harmful to the branches. When the young shoots are infected, there will be small bulges on the lenticels. In the same year, there will be no gelation. In the second year of May, the lesions are cracked, and the colorless and translucent thin and sticky soft gel overflows. When the fruit is damaged, it will secrete a yellow gum, and the diseased part will harden and sometimes crack. , Prevention: Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, pay attention to scientific management to enhance the tree and improve disease resistance. Scientific pruning, pay attention to the growing season, timely branching and retracting, winter pruning less sparse branches, reduce branch wounds, pay attention to thinning and fruit thinning, reduce load. Timely medication during the growing season: Spray 1200-1500 times 70% nail tray every 10-15 days, or 300% mancozeb granules 800 times, or 1500 times 50% benomyl WP. Note that the above agents should be used interchangeably. Disinfection: After scraping the lesion, disinfect the lesion with 200 to 300 times more. 8, non-invasive flow gum disease Generally, from April to October, during the rainy season, especially after a long period of drought, heavy rain falls, and the gum disease is serious. When the tree is old, the gum disease is serious. Hazard characteristics: The main stem and the main branch are damaged. After the contacted gum is in contact with the air, it turns reddish brown and is jelly-like. After drying, it turns into a reddish-brown hard rubber block. The diseased department is easily infected by saprophytic bacteria, which causes the cortex and xylem to brown and rot. In severe cases, the branches are dry or all dead. The leaves turn yellow and become smaller. The fruit will also be affected, it will secrete yellow gum, the disease will harden, and it will crack when it is severe. Prevention: Winter and Spring: The trunk is painted white to prevent freezing damage and sunburn. Spring: The germination on the trunk should be removed in time to prevent the wound from causing the glue to flow. After winter shearing, apply a fungicide in time for large wounds. 9, rot disease Most of the lesions occur on the trunk near the ground. It can occur from early spring to late autumn, especially from April to June. Hazard characteristics: It mainly harms the trunk and main branches, causing the bark to rot, causing the branches to die. The cortex of the initial diseased part is raised, slightly purplish red and flows out of the glue. Finally, the cortex becomes brown and dead, and there is a distiller's taste. The surface will produce black raised small particles. When the lesion expands the trunk for a week, the diseased tree will die very quickly. Prevention: Destroy and clear diseased trees, dead branches and insect branches in time. Add organic fertilizer to prevent and control pests and diseases that cause early defoliation. Growth period: When the lesion is found, the following agents can be scraped off the diseased part. Methyl thiophanate, carbendazim, chlorothalonil and the like. 10, leaf disease It usually begins to develop after the leaves are introduced in early April, and May is the peak period. Cold, damp and rainy weather will cause the disease to occur. Hazard characteristics: New shoots suffer: It is grayish green or yellow, shorter and thicker than the normal branches. The diseased leaves are clustered, and the severely damaged branches will die. Flowers and young fruits are victimized: Most will fall off, so it is not easy to detect. Diseased fruit that has not fallen off, uneven development, blocky ridges, yellow to reddish brown, often cracked fruit surface. This deformed fruit will soon fall off. Prevention: (1) Taoyuan with heavy disease and deciduous leaves: It is necessary to increase fertilizer application and strengthen cultivation management to promote the restoration of the tree. After spraying, if a few diseased leaves appear, they should be removed in time and burned intensively to reduce the source of bacteria in the second year. (2) Chemical control: When the peach buds begin to expand in the early spring but are not unfolded, spray 5 waves of sulphur sulphur mixture once, so that for two or three consecutive years, the peach leaf disease can be completely eradicated. The Taoyuan, which has a very serious disease, can spray 2 to 3% of copper sulfate once after the peach tree leaves (11-December), and then spray 5 waves of meto-sulfur mixture once in the early spring of the second year to make the control effect more stable. The agent used for spraying in the early spring germination period can also be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture in addition to the 5-wave meso-sulfur mixture. 11, root cancer Hazard characteristics: The disease mainly occurs in the root and neck, but also in the lateral roots and roots. The root is compromised to form a cancer. The roots of the diseased seedlings are poorly developed, the roots are few, the aerial parts are obviously inhibited, the plants are short, and the results are very slow. When severe, the leaves are yellow and early. After the adult fruit tree is damaged, the fruit is small and the tree age is shortened. Prevention: (1) Select disease-free soil for nursery Soils or orchards that have developed root cancer disease should not be used as nursery fields; acidic soil fertilizers should be properly applied to the gardens of alkaline soils; diseased tumors should be removed or scraped in time, and the diseased belts that have been cut and cut should be burned out of the orchard to prevent them. The spread of pathogens. (2) Care should be taken to check the roots before planting Remove the diseased tumor seedlings, and then soak the roots of the seedlings with 0.3% to 0.4% copper sulfate for 1 hour; 50 to 100 grams of sulfur powder per square meter before planting, or 60 grams of 5% formalin, or bleaching powder 100~ 150 grams. (3) wound after the tumor is scraped 100 times copper sulfate solution or agricultural streptomycin 400-500 mg 5 liters can be used, after disinfection, 1:2:100 times Bordeaux solution protection or anti-cancer agent K84 5 times mixture, then 100 times sulfuric acid The copper solution is used to water the soil. 12, mosaic disease It is mainly spread by grafting. In the same orchard, pruning, mites, mites, etc. can be spread. The mosaic is quite common within 20 cm of the diseased plant. Hazard characteristics: After the fruit is sick, the growth is slow, the flowering is slightly late, the fruit is slightly flat and slightly bitter. The leaves turn yellow, but they are not deformed. They only show a bright yellow diseased part or a milky white variegated color, or chlorotic spots and diffuse shaped leaves. A few serious diseased plants, most of the whole leaves are yellowed, and the leaves and branches are ulcerated. Prevention: Locally found diseased plants were cleared and destroyed in time. Strengthen management to improve the disease resistance of trees. Timely control of pests on trees. 13, wood rot It is a disease that is common in old trees. It mainly harms the branches and heartwood of peach trees, making the heartwood decay and showing a rounded pattern. The tree of the victim tree is weak, the leaves are yellow and yellow, and the early leaves are dead. In severe cases, the whole tree is dead. Prevention: Reducing tree wounds is an important measure to prevent the occurrence and expansion of wood rot. 14, root knot nematode disease The incidence of continuous cropping is heavy, and the longer the continuous cropping period, the more serious the disease. Hazard characteristics: Mainly roots form nodules. In severe cases, the upper part of the blade is yellow and thin, which seems to lack fat, and the growth potential is poor or extremely poor. Prevention: Avoid heavy sputum, carry out crop rotation, and the grass crops are generally mild. Chicken manure and cottonseed cake have strong inhibitory effects on nematodes. Ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium sulfate and unfertilized leaves, grass fertilizer can promote the occurrence of nematodes. Use anti-nematode agents. 15, root rot Also called corruption, mainly harmful to the fruit. Most of the lesions occur at the tip or suture of the peach fruit. Hazard characteristics: At the initial onset, the fruit surface first appeared brown water-stained spots, and then the lesions expanded, the flesh rotted, and reached the heart. Finally, the lesion loses water and shrinks, but the center does not shrink, and it is like a tortoise. The dried lesions are stained white in the center and grayish on the edges. The small spots on the dense spots are the conidia of the bacteria. When wet, a white spore angle is produced on the conidia. The pathogen infects the branches, causing the branches to die or flow. Control method (1) Thoroughly remove the dead fruit, cut off the diseased branches, concentrate on burning or deep burial, and reduce the source of overwintering bacteria. Strengthen the management of orchard, improve the ventilation and light conditions of the orchard, pay attention to drainage, timely control pests, reduce wounds and reduce diseases. (2) Spray 5 waves of sulphur sulphur mixture before germination, spray the manganese Zn or benzophenone about 10 days after the flowering, and spray once every two weeks until the spraying is stopped one month before the harvest. The initial onset of the disease: more · mildew, thiophanate-methyl. 16, soft rot The infection is strong, and the disease develops rapidly when the temperature is high and the humidity is high. After 4 to 5 days, the diseased fruit can all rot. Hazard characteristics: The fruit initially showed small brown spots and then expanded rapidly. After 2 to 3 days, the diseased fruit was light brown and soft, and the surface grew thick white fine hair. A few days later, black dots appeared in the piles and looked like black mold. Prevention: Avoid mechanical damage during harvesting, transportation, etc. The use of benomyl, chitosan and chlorhexidine to dip the fruit has a certain control effect. 17. Red leaf disease When the temperature is below 20 degrees, it is easy to develop. Hazard characteristics: In the germination stage of spring, the young leaves are reddened, the back of the diseased leaves is red, the leaves are red, yellow, or murmur between veins. When the disease is heavy, the underside of the leaves gradually becomes scorched, forming irregular perforations. The upper part of the canopy, the vigorously growing erect branches and extension branches are more severe. Fruit ripening is delayed, and in severe cases, the fruit has a fruity distortion and a mild taste. Prevention: After germination in spring, spray 0.005% to 0.01% of the production spirit 1 or 2 times to reduce the condition. Eliminate the seriously ill strains that have lost the results, and timely spray drugs to control pests such as locust leaf spider mites. 18, coal pollution It is mainly transmitted by insects, and the disease in Taoyuan is high in humidity, poor in ventilation and light transmission, and multi-sucking pests. Hazard symptoms: It is mainly harmful to the leaves, but also to the branches or fruits. The leaves are initially stained with round brown or irregular shape, and then form coal smoke, which can be covered with leaves, branches and fruit surfaces. In severe cases, green leaves and delicious fruits are almost invisible, and black mold layers are everywhere; Affects photosynthesis, causing peach trees to fall early. Prevention: 1 Increase the permeability of Taoyuan, drain in time after rain, prevent moisture retention, and timely control aphids, whiteflies and scale insects. 2 Sprinkle in time when the sporadic occurrence occurs, commonly used agents are: benomyl, carbendazim, polymyromycin, prevention and treatment once every 15 days, depending on the condition of prevention and treatment 1 or 2 times. 19, root rot The peak incidence is in spring and autumn. Hazard characteristics: The leaves are wilted, the young leaves die, the new shoots become brown and dead, the roots show woody necrosis, and the whole plant dies when severe. Acute symptoms: In the afternoon, the leaves on the ground suddenly lost water and dry, and the diseased part remained green. The green leaves were broken in 4 to 5 days, which seemed to be green and dry, withered and dead. Chronic symptoms: In the early stage, the color of the leaves becomes lighter and gradually turns yellow. Finally, it is brown, dry, and sometimes watery and sagging. It usually appears on a small amount of leaves. In severe cases, the whole plant will die after a period of onset. Prevention: Perennial application of carbendazim for 1 or 2 times a year to prevent the occurrence of diseases. 20, cracked fruit Most occur in the peach ripening period. Hazard characteristics: There will be longitudinal cracking from the fruit top to the fruit stem or irregular cracks at the top of the fruit. Prevention: There are no remedial measures after the cracking of the peach fruit, and some preventive measures for cultivation management can be taken. Choose varieties that are not easy to crack; improve ventilation management conditions; apply sufficient phosphorus fertilizer and less nitrogen fertilizer. 21, shrinking disease It is a physiological disease caused by boron deficiency. Hazard characteristics: When the fruit grows to the broad bean, it will show up, from dark green to dark green, and gradually appear as a cork plaque and crack, and grow into a deformed fruit. The leaves are thick and deformed, and the new shoots die from the top to the bottom, and the lateral branches grow under the dead part, showing a plexiform phenomenon. Prevention: The shrinking fruit disease is mainly caused by boron deficiency, and the prevention and treatment is mainly to replenish the diseased plant to relieve boron. WENZHOU DIYE VALVE&FITTINGS CO.,LTD , https://www.diye-valve.com