Nitrogen is the main component of protein, the basic substance in the protoplast composition of plant cells, chlorophyll, nucleic acid, various biological enzymes, some vitamins (such as vitamins B1, B2, B6, etc.) and alkaloids (such as nicotine, theophylline). Ingredients. Phosphorus is a major component of nucleic acids and is indispensable for cell division and root growth. Phosphorus is also a constituent element of phospholipids, an important component of biofilms, and a constituent of other important phosphorus compounds, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), various dehydrogenases, and aminotransferases. Phosphorus has the ability to increase the resistance of plants. Potassium is mainly present in the plant cell fluid in an ionic state. It is an activator of various enzymes that promotes photosynthesis, promotes nitrogen metabolism, and enhances plant uptake and utilization of nitrogen. Potassium regulates the osmotic pressure of cells, regulates plant growth and economic water use, and enhances the ability of plants to resist adverse factors (dry, cold, disease, saline, and lodging). Calcium stabilizes biofilm structure, maintains cell integrity, and plays an important role in plant ion selective absorption, growth, senescence, information transmission, and plant stress tolerance. The composition of magnesium chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b all contain magnesium, which is important for plant photosynthesis, carbohydrate metabolism and respiration. Sulfur is an indispensable component of proteins and enzymes. Chlorine is involved in plant photosynthesis, regulates the opening and closing of stomata, and enhances the ability of crops to inhibit certain diseases. Iron is essential for the synthesis of chlorophyll and is closely related to photosynthesis. The role of manganese in plants is mainly achieved by the effect on enzyme activity, so it is also called catalytic element. Boron can promote the normal operation of carbohydrates, promote the formation and development of reproductive organs, promote cell division and cell elongation, and improve the nitrogen fixation ability of legumes. Zinc is a component or activator of certain enzymes. It exerts extensive effects on plant carbon and nitrogen metabolism through enzyme action and participates in photosynthesis, participates in the synthesis of auxin, promotes reproductive organ development and improves stress resistance. Copper is a component of many oxidases in plants, or an activator of certain enzymes. It is involved in many redox reactions. It also participates in photosynthesis, affects the metabolism of nitrogen, and promotes the development of floral organs. Molybdenum is a component of nitrogenase and nitrate reductase. Nitrogen metabolism and symbiotic nitrogen fixation of legumes are indispensable for molybdenum. Molybdenum can also promote photosynthesis. Nickel is good for seed germination and seedling growth, catalyzing urea to explain and prevent diseases. Copper Coied Plate,Copper Sheet,Copper Plate Sheet,Cathode Copper Sheet Shandong Xinsuju Steel Co.,Ltd. ,
Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are components of cell walls, active substances in plants, sugars, fats, and acid compounds. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are mainly derived from carbon dioxide and water in the air, so the application of fertilizer is generally not considered. It is necessary to consider the application of CO2 fertilizer in plastic greenhouses and greenhouses, but the concentration of CO2 should be controlled below 0.1%.
17 nutrients essential for plants - Interpretation of the composition of fertilizer components (2)
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