Microbial fertilizer is a living fertilizer, and its function is mainly achieved by the life activities of a large number of beneficial microorganisms it contains. Only when these beneficial microorganisms are in vigorous breeding and metabolism can material transformation and beneficial metabolites continue to form. Therefore, the type of beneficial microorganisms in microbial fertilizers and the vitality of life activities are the basis of their effectiveness, unlike other fertilizers based on the form and amount of major elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Grill Spatula,Barbecue Set,Personalised Bbq Tools,Barbecue Grill Set PERFECTS ENTERPRISE LIMITED , https://www.chibelco.com
Microbial fertilizers have some special effects that other fertilizers do not have:
1. Improving the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers Microbial fertilizers have a unique role in solving the low utilization rate of chemical fertilizers. According to Chinese crop types and soil conditions, the use of microbial fertilizers combined with chemical fertilizers can not only increase production, but also reduce fertilizer use and cost, while improving soil and crop quality and reducing pollution.
2. The role of green food production With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, especially people's requirements for improving the quality of life, the world is actively developing green agriculture (ecological organic agriculture) to produce safe, pollution-free green food. In recent years, China has begun to use a variety of microbial fertilizers with special functions to not only mitigate or reduce agricultural pollution, but also improve the quality of agricultural products.
3. The role of microbial fertilizers in environmental protection It is an economically viable and effective way to use microbial specific functions to decompose and ferment urban domestic waste and agricultural and livestock waste to make microbial fertilizer. There are two main methods that have been applied:
(1) A large amount of municipal solid waste is processed as a raw material and directly processed into a microbial organic compound fertilizer by a factory.
(2) The factory produces special microbial fertilizers (bacteria agents) to supply composting plants (fields), and then piles up various agricultural and livestock materials to speed up the fermentation process, shorten the composting cycle, and improve compost quality and maturity. degree.
4. Improved soil action Beneficial microorganisms in microbial fertilizers can produce carbohydrates, accounting for 0.1% of soil organic matter. Combined with plant mucus, mineral embryos and organic colloids, it can improve soil aggregate structure, enhance soil physical properties and reduce The loss of soil particles is conducive to improving soil fertility.
The special role of microbial fertilizer
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